Saturday, January 1, 2011

A message to my lovelies!

First off, I am so sorry my dears for being such a horrible blogger! 
I know I failed to fulfill my blogger responsibilities for the past few weeks days.
I was incredibly busy helping my mom with her Holiday preparations.  
Baking sweet stuff and doing some last minute shopping and so on.
Not to mention my now incredibly awful gift wrapping skills
(They were going to get torn anyway!)
So here is the mighty fruit cake we've been working on!
We had bulk orders to fill, so lots of work.
It has plenty of fruits and wine lol. 

My entrepreneurial skills weren't so good
but at least they were selling well on their own ._. 

So, in case you lovelies were wondering, I spent Christmas Eve here at work.
It was pretty sad at first but we had the whole night to ourselves
with plenty of food and no authority, so it was fun. 
Christmas was spent at home with the family and the boyfie
We went to visit a few relatives who all said I'm old enough to do the "giving"
 My presents were mostly clothing so I was pleased lol
After that, boyfie and I went out to celebrate.
*First Date - 12/25/08*
It has been our tradition ever since :)

So.. it's 2011! Can you believe it?! 
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, (my lovelies) for 
putting up with me for the past year. 
It was full of ups and downs, mood swings, rants, bad grammar, 
improper alignments, photos of myself, spelling errors, short comments, 
bad photos, photos of myself... lolol!
So yes, it was really bad T3T
Twisted Thoughts was created so I could  express my thoughts and opinions. 
I always thought my posts were boring and uninformative, not to mention irrelevant.
But I still went with it because it really does help me a lot,
specially if I'm stressed or under a lot of pressure.
I never would have thought that I would gain so many friends through blogger.
Some of the best ones I have are from here, too.
Friends from the US, Netherlands, Japan and more, yes you!
I can't thank you enough!
I know I haven't seen any of you dearies.
But now, it does feel like we really know each other ne?

And to think that this blog served no other purpose but to allow me
to share with you guys a bit of myself, and of course the tons of things
I never told any of my friends irl.
(Yes! only the best friend and the boy friend knows the existence of this blog)
This New Year, I pray the best of everything for everyone!
Wealth, Health and Happiness, yes?
I don't plan on making any resolutions.
I never quite lived up to any of the ones I made in the past.
So my only goal is to make sure that when I look back at 2011
It's going to be worthwhile :)
I hoped you like the pandas lol!
Til next post my lovelies!


Tasja said...

The cake looks good ^^

A happy new year to you :D!!

Anonymous said...

i don't make resolutions either. i feel it's a waste of time because you MIGHT break them. the photo of you is very pretty, and yay for the food business booming :)

happy new year!

Kim said...

wiii...nice pic, tagged with happy new year =), Happy new year too <3

Yapo said...

awwwwww~~ Happy New Year!!! ^___^ I never liked fruit cake but if you baked them for me i still honor it with all my heart <3

thank you too! <3 I hope this 2011 we'll meet :3

文学少女 (Literature Girl) said...

Happy new year to you! I really really hope more good things come to you in 2011! :DDD

Sara Mari said...

Happy New Years to you! You are just so lovely and sweet, I hope everything will go your way in this 2011 year^^/

I've never had fruitcake, but I really want to try it some day XD

amynaree said...

happy new year! the cake looks yummy!

Melody said...

Wishing you the best for 2011^^"! And ahhh, the cake looks yummmmy even though I don't particularly like fruit cake >_<"!! <3

Kim said...

oh and to reply your comment:
I think I'll 'customize' myself to look like my pullip~ hehehe

★Mel said...

Hello n_n Happy new year! Nice to meet you! very nice blog ^_~


Anonymous said...

Yup, I really had a great time with my family. I hope you did too. Oh no, you ate too much? Why..? :) You gotta keep in good shape! ^_^ Hehe~ Take care.

mylittleoctopus said...

Happy new year! Your cake makes me hungry! X) And awwww, you and boyfie 1st dated during christmas? Sweeet~ ;D

Thess said...

awww thank you! m(. .)m
happy new year :3

Dewi ♥ said...

The cake looks so good :D
I also wish you a happy year with lots of health & wealth ^^!!

☆RabbitoBonbon☆ said...

Thanks for sharing the link that you've posted in my blog post! o(*_*)o I knew it!! Bunny + Honeysuckle + 2011 = L♥ved!!!!!

PS. The cake looks so yum yum! =3

Panda ♥ said...

i love the pandas XD !

ms. curiousity said...

i'm happy that i'm one of the best friends who knows about this blog. :) i miss you!

Dolly said...

I hope you a Happy New Year! It's too bad you had to spend xmas eve at work but still sounds like you had a good time!

Oh gosh, the fruit cake looks soo good... I've never had it before. :(

Ken said...

happy new year!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm hoping to actually tackles some of my resolutions/goals this year! Happy new year!

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

Aw dont beat yourself up about not blogging regularly! Taking break is the best way to avoid burnout :)


noone said...

well sounds like you had a great holiday anyways, and too bad you spent christmas eve at work but then no bosses so that is okay :D and yeah I don't make new year resolutions, other than be healthy and make more money LOL but I just wing those usually, happy 2011!

☆モモ☆ said...

The fruit cake looks so delicious! *__* I wanna eat it! Happy New Year to you too!

Moda Minea ♥ said...

Oooh, the pictures looks great.
Really beautiful :D
I like your blog very well ☺

if you like, take a look at my blog, but I must warn you I’m a complete newbie ;D
If you like we can follow each other.
Would be happy :)

: * kiss

Sharina said...

Fruit cake, yum.

Shari of Aviator Shades

Hello Naka said...

I think its great that people u personally know know about ur blog, I wish I never told ppl about mine and kept it a huge secret ^^ I would feel like a spy with another identity, ur so cool ^^
and cute photos I'm loving the emoticons!!! and zomg congrats on ur anniversary I thiink they are so cute and thoughful :3 also happy new year :p

Kristin said...

I'm hoping to actually tackles some of my resolutions/goals this year! Happy new year!

さらまり said...

Happy New Years to you! You are just so lovely and sweet, I hope everything will go your way in this 2011 year^^/

I've never had fruitcake, but I really want to try it some day XD

Hye Rin ♥ 김혜린 said...

wiii...nice pic, tagged with happy new year =), Happy new year too <3

Tasja said...

The cake looks good ^^

A happy new year to you :D!!